Mon alias, Mona Lisa
- Year:
- 1992
- Author:
- John Yau (* 1950)
- Artist:
- Enrico Baj (1924 - 2003)
- Publisher:
- Collectif Génération
The very same year, a second edition was published, with 'installations' by Rob Wynne. Editions later followed with illustrations by Charles-Christopher Hill (1994), Jean-Marc Scanreigh (1995), Lauren Berkowitz (1995), Solfrid Olette (1995) and François Matton (1998). All of these versions appeared in very small editions of five or six copies (The Hill-edition is also present in the Koopman Collection). Nine out of ten times, the idea for a new book at publisher Collectif Génération will start with the text. Jassaud is the one who looks for a way of turning the text into a book. He makes designs, determines the size and the typography, and finds out how the text might function in that design (he calls this 'breathing'). Jassaud then selects an artist, who will have to conform to the book's design. Sometimes this doesn't work out, but often it does.
Italian artist Enrico Baj was one of the founders of the Nuclear Art movement and a few other forms of resistance to the curtailment of artists' freedom. He continuously opted for new techniques and images, and wrote a large number of articles and books, such as Automitobiografia (1992). Jean Petit wrote the following about him: 'Baj is a painter of freedom', and 'In the artist's hands, broken mirrors, tissues, trimmings and clock faces turn into generals, archbishops and women of the world. Always an unsparing witness, he shows us how reality has many faces'.
Bibliographical description
- Description:
- Mon alias, Mona Lisa / John Yau [texte] ; [ill. avec 18 collages par Enrico Baj]. – [Colombes] : Collectif Génération, [1992]. - Leporello (3 p.) : ill. ; 20x31 cm
- Edition:
- 5 similar but not identical copies
- Note:
- Signed by the artist
- Bibliography:
- Bénézit 1-651
- Shelfmark:
- Koopm F 30
- Debra Bricker Balken, 'Notes on the publisher as auteur', in: Art journal, 52 (1993) 4 (Winter), p. 70-71
- Paul van Capelleveen, Sophie Ham, Jordy Joubij, Voices and visions. The Koopman Collection and the Art of the French Book. The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands; Zwolle, Waanders, 2009
- Paul van Capelleveen, Sophie Ham, Jordy Joubij, Voix et visions. La Collection Koopman et l'Art du Livre français. La Haye, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Bibliothèque nationale des Pays-Bas; Zwolle, Waanders, 2009
- Le corps du livre: L'oeuvre éditoriale de Gervais Jassaud. Nîmes, Carré d'art bibliothèque, Ville de Nîmes, 1998
- Jean-Charles Masséra, 'Le livre à la recherche de son langage: L'exemple de Collectif Génération', in: Bulletin du bibliophile, (1991), p. 105-140
- Jean Petit: Baj: Catalogue de l'oeuvre graphique et des multiples = Catalogue of the graphic work and multiples, Vol. I: 1952-1970. Genève, Rousseau, 1973